Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grind this bean.

Just today, everyone's favorite legal addiction coffee shop, Starbucks, announced a new promo that is sure to get you through the afternoon lull of food coma, 85 degree swamp heat (if you are in D.C., Miami, or anywhere else in the country thanks to global warming) and overall boredom and watch-the-clock syndrome waiting for that 5 o'clock somewhere to head it's way to your office park.
After you consume your mandatory morning venti iced 2-pump mocha-frappa-cuppa-soy latte, save that receipt! It will save you upwards of $2 for your afternoon jolt!

Yes, Starbucks must be facing hard times along with the rest of us. First came the announcement that they are shutting down 600 stores, laying off thousands of employees, and lowering growth projections, and now this: A deal for loyal customers by offering an honest to goodness price of $2 for your favorite grande-size iced beverage after 2:00 P.M.

Now, many health experts say drinking caffeine in the afternoon is likely to keep you up at night, potentially leading to the abuse of nighttime sleeping prescription drugs (are Starbucks and Pharma in on this?! conspiracy theorists, discuss!), but at only $2 why not binge on afternoon caffeine delight.

It's no secret that I'm not a fan of Starbucks- first for their irresponsible practices of underpaying international coffee growers and harvesters for their labor, offering few fair trade options, and overall their coffee just doesn't taste good (the injustice turning the beans bitter). But sometimes, they are the only caffeine fix on the block.

1 comment:

do what you love said...

Hmm, didn't know about this. Probably because the only reason I go to Starbucks is if I'm at the airport or I'm using a Starbucks gift card.
I remember when we got Dining Dollars at UM, I spent all my Dollars at Starbucks one semester (ALL) because it was next to the library and it felt like I wasn't spending money. Pretty soon, I couldn't enter the library without craving some sort of Starbucks drink in Venti.