Sunday, November 11, 2007

When a sense of entitlement goes too far

As community activists were protesting the discriminatory policies of Fisher Island and the irony of a lavish kids fundraiser while workers on the island are struggling on poverty level wages, a crazy resident runs up and steals their banner.

The very large banner (as you can see in the video) was held up by poles, and when this resident ripped it down the poles went flying injuring one of the demonstrators. He faces misdemeanor charges for theft and injuring people.

Fisher Island really thinks they can get away with anything- segregating the mostly Haitian, African American, and Latino workers to a "separate but equal" room on the ferry before they even get to clock in for work; telling workers they can only speak English in the presence of residents; pushing workers out of line if a resident walks up behind them in the marketplace-- it's fantasy island over there, like the NYTimes called it in June.

I really hope a ton of people turn out for the boat action Saturday where we will storm the beach to liberate Fisher Island workers from the dehumanizing policies they must face every day.

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