Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So proud to be here now

This presidential election is sure to be history making, and already has (as every newspaper headline declared when Obama clinched the democratic nomination). I follow- I voice opinion- I'm inspired by what could be a shift in political participation for so many Americans. I don't really see myself in that category, I don't believe my life will change, and I certainly don't think there will be radical change for the direction of the country (in Obama's first term at least).

I am excited to see how people are moved and involved and following every step of this election cycle. Often, I wonder how people internationally view the race- think about how it may alter their relationship with the U.S. if Obama took office, and how monumental it was for our little experiment in Democracy to boost up the first viable female candidate and African-American candidate as the front runners for so many, long, drawn out months of suspense.

Below I am sharing an unedited e-mail from my long-time pen-pal in East Africa. She is a dear friend and more like a sister, and as we grow older (and thanks to the internet) speak more frequently, I have an amazing view into a woman much like me across the world. This is a beautiful take and reignited my passion for what we have going for us here in America.

"Hello!How are you doing?I hope all is well.I have almost been following the current presidential campaigns in the USA.Who do you support?I think either way,it is sure going to be a historical moment for you country,what do you think?Senator Hillary Clinton is a strongheaded woman,imagine she never gave up too soon even if things didnt seem good on her side.If every woman was that brave,strong and determined,imagine how this world would be!On the other hand,i think Obama is fulfilling his fore fathers dream,Martin Luther King and it is good to see that he i supported by both African-Americans and White people.That will be good history where theres equality among races,no segregation or disregard.I wish the best comes out of the elections.Am proud of both candidates because of their determination and strong personalities."

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