Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Disenfranchisement in NW Indiana continues

You might have heard already, but the Republicans have effectively shut down 3 early voting sites in Lake County of northwest Indiana, only keeping one site at Crown Point, a more affluent area in the southern part of the county, open for early voting.

It was a dirty trick-- Republicans rushing in the Friday before early voting was set to start and heading off to a Republican judge Calvin Hawkins who granted a temporary restraining order (TRO) against satellite voting sites opening.

SEIU along with other unions and progressive organizations have filed suit with the state and federal boards- calling for hearings to open early voting sites and stop the GOPs attempts at disenfranchising a largely minority and lower-income community.

"We believe the citizens of Gary, Hammond and East Chicago have absolutely the right to the same services as the citizens of Crown Point," Bolling said.

Lake County Circuit Court Judge Lorenzo Arredondo ruled Monday that the three sites should be opened immediately, though U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Van Bokkelen had set a hearing on the issue for later this week.

--from today's Post Tribune article found here

So as we wait for a decision to come down Friday (was supposed to be Thursday but one of the attorneys has health issues- let me guess, the attorney representing the GOP interests) there are some things we all can do in the meantime to stand up for voting rights of all citizens (from Daily Kos).

I'll keep you updated as I hear anything on the ground here- but regardless of what decision comes down, community organizers on the ground in Gary, Hammond, and East Chicago are prepared to run "bus routes" with our cars to take these voters the hour+ round trip to the only early voting site and ensure they have every opportunity to vote.

I have never seen people more committed to getting their neighbors and family members engaged in this political discussion- everyone I encounter understands the severity of this election.

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