Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obamamercial for Obamerica!

By the end of the 30 minute "infomercial" put on all the major stations by the Obama campaign tonight- I was on my knees, in tears, praying to God that I would do anything- I will do anything these last 6 days- to ensure an Obama presidency- and for the good of the nation and more importantly the world- that Obama will lead and inspire for at least the next four years.

I hope you saw it. I hope you watch it again.

This was truly the "This is who Barack Obama is" moment that one of my friends has been clamoring for and hoping he would unleash - it showed his background. His development. The American stories that he cares about and the deep rooted pain he seeks to heal in the suffering middle class and disadvantaged in this country.

This is our moment- my generation's moment- to step up and set our country on a better path. It's gonna take a lot of hard work- it's going to take a lot of unifying a very divided country. I suddenly have felt a surge of hope that it is possible. I want to stay. I want to work. I want to do what is necessary to ensure our Democracy stays strong and reflects to the world what is possible when good people care about their brothers and sisters both in their neighborhoods- and across the globe.

Please- if you have an hour- if you have half a day- if you have a whole day- go volunteer for Obama.

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